Assignment 2 - Kinematics Part 1#


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Problem 1 - Rotation transformations in 2D#

In this problem, we will study coordinate transformation in the two reference frames shown (in terms of their unit vectors) in the figure below.


Fig. 7 The orientation of the unit vectors of the NED-frame and the \(s\)-frame.#


  1. Express the unit vectors \(\mathbf{i_s}\) and \(\mathbf{j_s}\) of the \(s\)-frame in terms of the unit vectors \(\mathbf{i_N}\) and \(\mathbf{j_N}\) of the NED-frame. Refer to the figure above for support.

  2. Consider a vector

    (18)#\[\mathbf{v} = \xi_1 \mathbf{i_s} + \xi_2 \mathbf{j_s}\]

    This vector can also be expressed through the unit vectors of the NED-frame as \(\mathbf{v} = \chi_1 \mathbf{i_N} + \chi_2 \mathbf{j_N}\). Your task is to express \(\chi_1\) and \(\chi_2\) as functions of \(\xi_1\), \(\xi_2\), and \(\psi\).

  3. A more compact and practical way of transforming the coordinates of vectors between the component directions of the two reference frames (NED-frame and \(s\)-frame) is to use coordinate vector notation and rotation matrices. Based on the results from the previous task, find the 2×2 matrix \(\mathbf{R}^N_s(\psi)\) that is defined such that

    (19)#\[\begin{split}\mathbf{v}^N = \begin{bmatrix} \chi_1 \\ \chi_2 \end{bmatrix} = \mathbf{R}^N_s(\psi) \begin{bmatrix} \xi_1 \\ \xi_2 \end{bmatrix} = \mathbf{R}^N_s(\psi) \mathbf{v}^s\end{split}\]

Problem 2 - Barge with crane#

Fig. 8 shows a barge located some distance from a stationary platform. The stationary platform has a fixed reference frame attached to it, referred to as the NED-frame (for North, East, Down), whose axes are pointing northwards, eastwards, and downwards toward the center of the Earth.


Fig. 8 A barge with a crane.#

We also attach a reference system \(x_s, y_s, z_s\) (i.e., the \(s\)-frame) to the barge, as shown in the figure. The z-axis is pointing downwards in accordance with the right-hand rule. The location of the origin of the \(s\)-frame relative to the origin of the NED-frame is given as:

(20)#\[\mathbf{r}_{s/n} = n \mathbf{i}_{n} + e \mathbf{j}_{n} + d \mathbf{k}_{n}\]

The position of the crane on the barge is given as:

(21)#\[\mathbf{r}_{c/s} = a \mathbf{i}_{s} + b \mathbf{j}_{s} + c \mathbf{k}_{s}\]

The angle between the \(x_s\)-axis and the \(x_c\)-axis is \(\alpha\).

Finally, the distance from the origin of the crane-fixed reference frame to the tip of the crane is \(l\).


When we ask for a vector in this problem, your answer should be in the form:

(22)#\[\mathbf{r} = g \mathbf{i}_{k} + h \mathbf{j}_{k}\]


(23)#\[\begin{split}\mathbf{r}^k = \begin{bmatrix} g \\ h \end{bmatrix}\end{split}\]

where we need expressions for \(g\) and \(h\).

The expressions should be formulated in terms of the parameters \((a, b, c, l)\) , the variables \((\psi, \alpha, n, e, d)\) and their time derivatives \((\dot{\psi}, \dot{\alpha}, \dot{n}, \dot{e}, \dot{d})\).


  1. Find an expression for the position of the origin of the barge-fixed reference frame relative to the origin of the NED-frame expressed in terms of the barge-fixed reference frame.

  2. Find an expression for the position of the tip of the crane relative to the origin of the \(s\)-frame as a function of \(\alpha\). Express the vector in terms of the \(s\)-frame.

  3. Find an expression for the position of the tip of the crane relative to the origin of the NED-frame. Express the vector in terms of the NED-frame.

  4. What is the angular velocity of the crane when the barge has a turn rate of \(\dot{\psi}\) and the crane base is rotating at the rate \(\dot{\alpha}\)?

  5. The vessel has a forward velocity \(u\) and a sideways velocity of \(v\) relative to the inertial reference frame (the NED-frame). Find expressions for \(\dot{n}\) and \(\dot{e}\) (i.e., the time derivatives of the components in the equation above).

  6. What is the linear velocity of the crane tip? The vessel still moves with a forward velocity component \(u\) and a sideways velocity component \(v\), and in addition, it has an angular speed of magnitude \(\dot{\psi}\). The crane has an angular speed with magnitude \(\dot{\alpha}\). You can express the answer in terms of the NED-frame.